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A perfect entry book if you want to want to enter a long dark,cold and very descriptive world of classic Russian novels.
It has all the ingredients that make a classic Russian novel; depressing Russian atmosphere, long descriptive dialogue, focus on motives and thoughts of the characters, and so on, and so on... but it is short, very short in comparison to others of its kind and it is written in first person.
I found it very similar to Crime and Punishment, especially the main character. On the other hand, the perspective from the first person really gives it a more direct approach to main character line of thought which is refreshing for the genre. The first part of the book is just one big monologue, which might as well be my favorite piece of literature, later it waters down with an actual story but still remains what it is, just a great read that I can not describe how much I am happy to pick up.
Got this book after History of Knowledge (which I really liked) and I can not say anything new that has not been said in comments before this one.
The book is overexplained and has that bit of a pretentious tone of a snob writer. I must say that over explanation is sometimes needed so that every reader can get writer's ideas and points. Especially in science books, or whenever author has something refreshing or interesting to say
But there is nothing interesting here.
The analysis goes very shallow and does not branch out into other themes that can be associated with reading.
If I did not know half the things that are written in this book I could not read it and understand it at all.
Or maybe the pretentious tone of the book reminded me of my own pretentious writing style.
Cheers anyways.
Fun fact: In 1961 this book and LOTR were nomineted for Nobel price, and guess which one won... This one.
Now that I have your attention, I can start mansplaining.
Even though I think LOTR is not that great of a book, the incredibly detailed world that Tolkien made made such an impact on literature and all other media can be hardly be explained by words. This book is also very detailed and narrative but is realistic and brutal as much as LOTR is not, and pretty much forgotten outside countries of former Yugoslavia and literature snobs( I think).
The book takes historical approach of telling the story of the bridge and settlement around it (Višegrad) across several centuries. As bloodsheds, wars, and different authorities take over, and characters change frequently the bridge stands as a striking monument defying the time itself, like a sleeping stone giant.
It is a slow read mind you. Like a grampa telling you story of the old days, but it is interesting and will warm you and tuck you in its pages in that dark and raw way that eastern European books do.
Fyodor can be a genius immersing you in human psyche and of course, writing intruding and impressively winding dialogue.
But this book... It feels like Fyodor got an assignment to write a novel with absurdly high word count and is struggling to come up with anything new so he does what everyone does in that situation and fills the pages with vacuum.
Not my canister of tea.
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