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We're an Open Book
Party Politics and Populism in Zambia
Falsos camaradas
The Book of Secrets
Enchanted Revolution
One China, Many Taiwans
The Chinese Communist Party
Making Mao's Steelworks
Reforming to Survive
Performing Sovereign Aspirations
Japan, Italy and the Road to the Tripartite Alliance
The Conscience of the Party
State Building, Capitalism, and Development
Domestic Service in the Soviet Union
The Political Economy of Chinese Development
Wartime Macau
Ulster's Lost Counties
Ruins to Riches
The Comintern and the Global South
The birth of Stalinism
Ancient Southeast Mesoamerica
Plejanov, el padre del marxismo ruso
Stalin's World
Agricultural Reform in China
When the Soviet Union Entered World Politics
Peasants without the Party
Handbook of Welfare in China
The Waning of the Communist State
Annali della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (2000). East Asian Capitalism. Conflicts, growth and crisis
Falun Gong and the Future of China
The North and South Korean Political Systems
North Korea
From Stalin to Kim Il Sung
How The Farmers Changed China
On Socialist Democracy and the Chinese Legal System
The End of the Maoist Era