The premise of this book was SO good - but the execution fell flat. I question his beliefs about relationships and women and, honestly, I always had a fondness for him until this book. Chuck, you really should have listened to your friend Lucy Chance.
I saw the movie during my tail end of senior year in high school. I didn't want to accept that growing apart from an attached-at-the-hip best friend was a natural part of life. Now, not only do I understand this, I have lived through this. I think this book does a great job of expressing the subtlety of two people who have outgrown their relationship.
Enjoyable and quick read. Since it was originally an hour(?)-long show, it's paced as such; she can be a bit scattered and at times, brief in her description of particular events. I think the format of the book (or lack of) presents some insight into the way Carrie thought which makes it kind of fun.
I gave it three stars because I wanted to know MORE.
With that being said, for a quick read - I definitely reccomend.