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Another of the Civil-War-craze books. I first read this when I was about ten, and despite being a careful reader, I think I nearly read the cover clear off of it. I used to play-act being Annie. This was, of course, in the days before I realized that I have a nasty habit of fainting at the sight of blood!
I've always enjoyed a good amnesia story, but some things didn't quite add up on this one. The bad guy kills a number of people but stops just short of killing some others and I couldn't figure out the “miss” other than author sympathy; it ended up making the bad guy less believable. Otherwise, a good thriller with romance.
4.75 stars
I really enjoyed this fast-paced thriller. Varland makes a logical case to figure out, with a good balance of surprise twists and things I could logically figure to expect.
The book is a stand-alone, but has cross-over characters from other books set in the town of Treasure Point.
Definitely recommended.
I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the first one, but the mystery was still good. I think it was in part because of a bit more risqué content than the first one contained—there are numerous Irish curses, and Molly ends up with a bohemian artsy crowd with scant morals. Otherwise, a solid mystery as Molly seeks to go from amateur to professional and blunders her way through a case far beyond her experience.
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