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We're an Open Book
#3 of 3 in The Queens of Love and War
#2 of 3 in The Queens of Love and War
#1.5 of 2 in Love Blossoms in Oregon
#6 of 73 in BattleTech Universe
#1 of 7 in The Mistborn Saga
#1 of 3 in The Queens of Love and War
The Dark Queen
#1 of 5 in The Dark Queen Saga
#7 of 7 in Shadows of the Crown
#3 of 7 in Shadows of the Crown
#2 of 2 in The Alexander Family Chronicles
The Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson
Dear America
Library of American Biography
#1 of 104 in The Hardy Boys
#4 of 104 in The Hardy Boys
#2 of 104 in The Hardy Boys
The Slave Ship
The South Through Time, Volume 1
#6 of 104 in The Hardy Boys
As Big as the West
D'Aulaires' Greek Myths
#1-3 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
Dreamers and Defenders
American Indians and National Parks
The Essays of Henry D. Thoreau
At Her Majesty's Request
#5 of 104 in The Hardy Boys
No Ivory Tower
#1 of 3 in The Tudor Trilogy
#1 of 2 in Love Blossoms in Oregon
Defiance At Sea
#1 of 2 in FitzWarin
#2 of 2 in Saxon