Slightly trashy and adolescent, as most “urban fantasy” seems to be, but well written and reasonably complex. (Actually a bit TOO complex, as the many different POVs got annoying pretty quickly. ) I find his books unmemorable and more or less interchangeable, but I do enjoy them at the time.
I read this in conjunction with taking a variant of the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction workshop, but I think it would also stand on its own.
A very readable, practical, secular guide to mindfulness: what it is, why you might want to practice it, and how to incorporate it into your day-to-day life. The revised edition also includes a lot of information on the ever-increasing body of scientific knowledge about how the practice of mindfulness can rewire your brain.
Only time will tell whether this book CHANGED MY LIFE, but since reading about a topic is one of my stronger learning styles, I personally found it helpful as a complement to the workshop and daily practice.
OMG. These books continue to get better. I may have to go back and down-rate some of the earlier ones in order to reflect how amazing the later books in the series are. >_>
Madcap and full of inexplicable happenings and spiritual quasi-revelation in a style reminiscent of Tom Robbins, but on the whole underwhelming.