All-time book stats for @riddish.
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3,700 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
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Number of books read in each mood. You have 74 books with no mood. Read how to add missing moods.
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Average rating given based on genre and mood.
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Number of books read based on genre and mood.
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Riddish's average page count is 348 pages per book.
Number of books read with each group of page counts.
These are the books loved more or less than the average Hardcover reader.
Vertical area based on the number of books read by month. Position based on rank. Learn how to add missing Genres.
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Vertical area based on the number of books read by month. Position based on rank. Learn how to add missing Moods.
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