Boohoo it's so hard being a cis white gay and acting like an asshole to literally everyone around me.
The scariest part of this book was the egregious amount of times King decided to write straight up child porn. Genuinely, I think this man is more obsessed with describing a preteen's panties than a literal preteen. This book wouldn't be half as bad if King, somewhere in his prepubescent brain, had even the slightest inkling of hiring an editor. “I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs” headass. Why don't you apply the same logic to your adjectives. Why don't you apply the same logic to your thousands of pages long books. The thing about King's writing is that you know very well the moment a woman or ELEVEN YEAR OLD BEVERLY comes into the scene, there WILL be some mention of their genitals or breasts and/or the men/boys around them thinking about how much they want to fuck them.
It's a shame that this story had to be written by Stephen King, of all authors. I think the average student in a high school English class could have done the characters and plot justice in far fewer pages. King's writing isn't all too bad, when there aren't any children, people of color, women, girls, children, animals, or CHILDREN involved.