Cassie Miles

Cassie Miles

Cassie Miles has written at least 44 books. Their most popular book is Colorado Abduction with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Kay Bergstrom was born on 1947 and grew up in a small town at the very tip of southern Illinois, USA. A tomboy, she spent most of her time outside and got into big trouble for breaking the trellis while climbing out her second-story bedroom window. When her family moved to Los Ángeles, California, major culture shock ensued. She discovered that grapefruits grew on trees, television offered more than two channels, and all the other girls had breasts. While hiding out and waiting for her chest to develop, she read voraciously, raiding her mother's bookshelf for Mickey Spillane when she finished all her Nancy Drew novels. Another move took her family to Denver, Arizona, the place Cassie still calls home.

She graduated from North Central college outside Chicago, got married, and returned to Colorado where she worked in personnel at the Denver Post and lived in a mountain cabin without running water. Upon learning she was pregnant, a return to civilization seemed prudent. She settled in Denver, raised two amazing daughters, and started writing for Harlequin as Cassie Miles. After her divorce, she took a break from romance and wrote straight suspense.

During her frantic years as a single mom, writing books and working odd jobs to supplement her income, she hardly had time to breathe, much less to dream. Then something remarkable happened. She fell in love with a tall, sexy man who was an aerial photographer and the author of tough-guy mystery novels. Fortunately, he loved her back. She found her real-life hero, inherited three more grown kids and three grandchildren. She started writing romance again, loving every minute of a life filled with laughter, crazy road trips, sailboats, and journeys to Oregon with long walks on rocky beaches. Not too long ago, the love of her life developed inoperable pancreatic cancer. With supportive friends and family standing by, he died at home. She has no regrets and considers herself lucky to have found her soul mate, the man with whom she shared a perfect love.

She now lives alone, surrounded by beautiful memories, while writes romances. From the balcony of her high-rise, she has a view of the gold dome of the Colorado State Capitol and the front edge of the Rockies. If she could find a way to add the ocean, she'd have the best of all possible worlds. Recently voted Writer of the Year by Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, she attends critique groups specialising in mystery and romance, the perfect balance for Harlequin Intrigue books. One of her daughters once described her writing this way, "Romantic suspense. You know, kiss-kiss, bang-bang." If only it were that simple...