Mind's Eye Theatre Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide - Jason Carl
- Edward MacGregor
- Matthew Hooper
- Mikko Rautalahti
Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks |
The Long Night - David Perry
- Jason Carl
- Laurah Norton
- Richard Dansky
Laws of the Night: Anarch Guide - Randi-Jo Bruner
- Jason Carl
- Jason Feldstein
- Tim Harris
Laws of Hunt - Jason Carl
- Peter Woodworth
- Edward MacGregor
- Duncan Wyley
- Earle Durborow
Laws Of The Night (Revised Rules for Playing Vampires: Vampire- The Masquerade - Jason Carl
- Jess Heinig
- Peter Woodworth
Laws of the Night: Revised Rules for Playing Vampires - Richard Dansky
- Jason Carl
- Jess Heinig
- Peter Woodworth
Lords of Darkness - Jason Carl
- Sean K. Reynolds
- James Wyatt
Mind's Eye Theatre - Jason Andrew
- Jason Carl
- Ree Soesbee