Kael Ngu

Kael Ngu

Kael Ngu has written at least 4 books. Their most popular book is Dark Knights of Steel, Vol. 1 with 7 saves with an average rating of 4⭐.


2 primary books

Dark Knights of Steel

Dark Knights of Steel is a 1-book series first released in 2022 with contributions by Tom Taylor, Jay Kristoff, and C.S. Pacat.


1 primary book

Ghost Rider (2022)

Ghost Rider (2022) is a 1-book series first released in 2022 with contributions by Benjamin Percy.

Ghost Rider, Vol. 1: Unchained


14 primary books

Sensational Wonder Woman

Sensational Wonder Woman is a 14-book series with 14 primary works first released in 2021 with contributions by Stephanie Phillips, Yasmine Putri, and 28 others.

Sensational Wonder Woman #1
Sensational Wonder Woman #2
Sensational Wonder Woman #3
Sensational Wonder Woman #4
Sensational Wonder Woman #5