Kai Sadler

Kai Sadler

Kai Sadler has written at least 5 books. Their most popular book is Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes, Vol. 1 with 2 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy, Young Adult, and Young Adult Fiction.

Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes, Vol. 1

#1 of 1 in Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes (Light Novel)

Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes, Vol. 1
ByKai Sadler(Translator),Yoshiko Utamine

2020 • 2 Readers • 270 pages

Cover 3

Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes Vol 2: Hide and Seek in the Wintry Mountains
ByYoshiko Utamine, Yone Kazuki,Yoshiko Utamine(Translator)

1 Reader

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1 Reader

Cover 8

Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes: The Spirit Hunters of Tomoe, Vol. 1
ByYoshiko Utamine,Kai Sadler(Translator)

1 Reader

Rapunzel of the Magic Item Shop

Rapunzel of the Magic Item Shop
ByHiyoko Kurisu,Kai Sadler(Translator)

2022 • 1 Reader • 280 pages 4