Ren Wo Xing

Ren Wo Xing

Ren Wo Xing has written at least 14 books. Their most popular book is The Ring with 3 saves with an average rating of 2.5⭐.


4 primary books

Coiling Dragon

Coiling Dragon is a 4-book series with 4 primary works first released in 2009 with contributions by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi, 我吃西红柿, and 2 others.

The Mountain Range of Magical Beasts
The Dragonblood Warrior
The Ten Thousand Kilometer Journey
His Fame Shakes the World


0 released books

Coiling Dragon Saga

Coiling Dragon Saga is a 0-book series with contributions by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi, 我吃西红柿, and Ren Wo Xing.