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101 Things to Do Before You Diet

101 Things to Do Before You Diet

Because Looking Great Isn't Just about Losing Weight

Dnf'd but I wanted to leave a negative review instead of just regulating this to the Abandoned shelf - I hated this book. Partially because I wasn't paying attention and thought it was going to be much more body positivity/ HAES - and sure, it has some of the trappings but overall it's just steeped in nice white lady diet culture bullshit and random fashion takes from(checks notes) a decade ago. It sets up this terrible dichotomy between straight sized overweight people and the unacceptable super death fats at the beginning and drops a wack of tips where the punch line is “and then you might lose weight! [Which everyone wants amiright?]”


Looking great isn't about looking thin either.

There were reasonable recommendations like: get fitted for your actual bra size every couple years. Get consistent regular sleep. But I didn't feel like wading through the toxic crap for the more reasonable, obvious advice.