শঙ্খনীল কারাগার

শঙ্খনীল কারাগার

1973 • 85 pages


Average rating4.5


I went in totally blind for this book and needless to say, it exceeded my expectations. The main reason why it bumped my rating is the way he portrayed all of the main characters as diverse and raw (especially since for the 2/3 of the book most of the female characters had a very stereotypical and passive aura but in the last 1/3, his characters came to be more humane and more of a real character than a cardboard piece). However, I think that the brevity of this novel made some important aspects like Their mother getting separated from her first husband, Runu's letter which broke her marriage at the last moment seem like merely a plot device than a real trajectory.
3.75 stars/5

January 22, 2024Report this review