A cup of friendship
2011 • 291 pages


Average rating4


Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer yes to a question, proceed to the next question. If you answer no at any time, drop this book immediately and find a clerk to direct you to nonfiction or action/adventure books.

1. Do you need a book for your next business trip/vacation/weekend retreat?

2. Do you prefer fiction over nonfiction?

3. Do you like exotic locations for your stories?

4. Do you now or have you ever in the past watched daytime soaps?

5. Are you a woman?

Are you with me so far? Okay, here is the deal breaker:

6. Do you like your main characters to be women who break down their own doors when necessary, women-who-don't-put-up-with-bad-stuff, women who don't wait for Prince Charming to come visit their castle but who may actually ride out and knock on castle doors themselves?

If you have made it all the way through question six and you are still nodding your head, then A Cup of Friendship is the book for you. It will be out January 25, 2011, so be patient.

And thank you to Ballantine for my advance reader copy of this book.

November 21, 2010Report this review