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A Gospel Primer for Christians

A Gospel Primer for Christians

Learning to See the Glories of God's Love

2006 • 97 pages


Average rating4.3


Vincent's primer may appear to be short and simple, but I found myself reading slowly to better reflect and think on what the Gospel actually is and why this matters. One could say he is repetitive, but I found this useful because I need the reminders. I don't preach the gospel to myself daily, and I greatly appreciated the myriad scriptural references that serve as reminders of what the gospel is and who I am because of it. Jesus not only died the death I deserved but defeated death in rising again. God spared no expense in justifying those who would believe through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. He has equipped believers with the Holy Spirit to live a life forever changed, forever loved, forever glorifying God and not self. Vincent emphasizes the loving-kindness of God and balances well the grace freely offered alongside the truth of sin's destructive nature and our sin nature apart from God's redemption.

Reading this primer reminded me how amazing these truths are and the benefit of reading the Bible regularly. It's an encouragement to take time to write out gospel truths I can reflect on and find ways to review them daily.

Here is one of my favorite quotes: “But by the grace of God I am what I am and I have what I have, and I hereby resolve not to let any portion of God's grace prove vain in me! And to the degree that I fail to live up to this resolve, I will boldly take for myself the forgiveness that God says is mine and continue walking in his Grace. This is my manifesto, my daily resolve; and may God be glorified by this confidence that I place in Him.” (p. 52)

June 17, 2022Report this review