



Average rating3.2


With the Olivia Jade's of the world making headlines for their rich families cheating their way into college, Admission was an interesting and relevant read. I'll be honest - the whole Jade scandal has always irked me beyond measure because I don't come from a rich family, and I had to work my butt off to get into college (and I ended up going to a decent school, but not a USC or anything like that). So when I read that Admission follows a similar storyline, I was interested. What's the psyche of a student who cheats their way into school? Why does this happen so often?

Chloe was a character was interesting enough, though I didn't particular feel invested in her or her story. I'd love to see a book that follows this idea where I come to ROOT for the character, thus turning my biases of these rich families cheating on its head. I'd like to see a book where I sit back, perplexed as to how I actually feel emotion for someone who cheated when that's something I'd never do - even if I had the means to (which I am far from having!). But Chloe just wasn't incredibly relatable or investment-worthy to me. She was pretty run-of-the mill. So yes, the story itself? Interesting and relevant. Though my notions of this issue remain the same.