Around the World in 80 Trees

Around the World in 80 Trees

2018 • 240 pages


Average rating5


You know trees are alive. But do you think of them as living beings? With individuality? And needs?

You will after reading this book.

Author Jonathan Drori, an Ambassador for the WWF and Trustee of the Eden Project, accompanied by illustrator Lucille Clere, takes us on a trip through trees around the world. He visits with trees I know well, like the Elm and the Lodgepole Pine and the Baobob and the Date Palm, but he adds stories and details about the familiar that are surprising and unexpected. He also makes stops with trees I knew little about including the Brazil Nut and the Neem and the Coco-de-mer and makes me add these to my list of favorite trees. Drori is a former documentary film maker for the BBC. I hope someone will make this into a documentary.

I know that not everyone is as enamored of trees as I am (yes, I even have a Goodreads tag of trees), but even if you don't think you are, you still might enjoy this book; I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't.


January 16, 2020Report this review