At Any Cost: A Father's Betrayal, a Wife's Murder, and a Ten-Year War for Justice

At Any Cost

A Father's Betrayal, a Wife's Murder, and a Ten-Year War for Justice


Average rating4


When greed becomes the prime motive for murder, a person will do just about anything to get their hands on the object of that desire. Rod Covlin pursued and married Shele, and then systematically wore her down over the years. He berated her for everything from her looks, her weight, and made her feel guilty for everything. He was abusive, but managed to hide it from most people. Once she filed for divorce, the gloves came off.

When she was found dead in the bathtub, a huge battle began for the massive estate that she left behind. Child custody, life insurance and more led to a ten year battle in court over what Shele left behind. And no one could foresee the lengths to which her husband would go to gain control of her estate.

Oh my goodness! This was a great book, and I enjoyed reading it. This has everything a true crime should have. You will be horrified at some of the information contained in this book, but the story weaves together, and doesn't leave out any details that would confuse the reader. It is there in black and white for the reader to gain a full sense of the struggles and bitterness that ensued. 100% would recommend!

April 15, 2021Report this review