Becoming Us
2019 • 320 pages


Average rating5


“A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.” - Quote from Becoming Us that is now a favorite of mine! Robin Jones Gunn has been writing books that I could not put down since I was a teenager. The Christy Miller series would get me in trouble often when my parents would find me with a flashlight at bedtime because I had to read “just one more chapter”. One of the things I so enjoy about that series and now this new book is that the characters are relatable and feel as if you've met them. Once you've read the books, you feel as though the characters are long time friends and you pick up right where you left off. In Becoming Us, the storyline is of blooming friendships but in a world where we have pain, skepticism and we are fearful of sharing too much. Even as adults friendships can be a rocky path and hard to develop, Becoming Us touches on just that. This book is fiction but it gives you scenarios that are true-to-life and the wisdom provided from one character to another is applicable. If you have ever read any of the author's works, you will be familiar with her writing style. Her books are warm, encouraging but full of every day life, nothing that is far fetched or unbelievable. You will also be visited by characters from her other series as supporting roles in Becoming Us. You do not need to have read any previous books in order to follow this one, but if you have you will feel the warm and fuzzies when you read about familiar names.  As with all of Robin's previous books, I highly recommend this one.