Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer

Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer

2014 • 63 pages


Average rating5


Short Review: This is a series of four holy week lectures that were turned into a book. It is short and I listened to an audiobook (but not the actual recording of the lectures.) Williams does a good job of addressing these four practices at the heart of Christianity without being too cliche or without completely reinterpreting the practices into something they are not. Bible is really about how we hear from God, but it should be read corporately. Baptisms is about how we enter into fellowship with the church and become a part of the body. Eucharist is about how we participate in the ongoing life of the body. And Prayer is about how we come into relationship with God. Nothing earth shatteringly different, but well presented in a short format. Might make a good discussion book. Lots of little nugget of wisdom so I might pick it up and read again in print.

My full review is on my blog at

March 16, 2015Report this review