Between Shades of Gray

Between Shades of Gray

2011 • 303 pages


Average rating4.3


his is a story about sacrifice, perseverance, survival, courage and hope.

During World War II, many Lithuanians lost their precious families and were forced to abandon their beloved homes. Their stories were told as they were seen, experienced and recorded by a fifteen year old Lithuanian girl, Lina. Lina's youth and homeland were stolen from her by Stalin's reign of terror.

Along with countless other Lithuanians, Lina and her family were abruptly removed from their beautiful and peaceful homes and sent on a harrowing and dehumanizing trip with the final destination being a Siberian prison camp. This book beautifully told the stories of some of the survivors and victims.

Lina, Jonas and Andrius cared for each other, protected one another and managed to scrape up little joys and small reasons to smile and hope. These actions and traits allowed them to persevere and survive.

The characters, both main and supportive, were multi dimensional and well developed.

Between Shades Of Gray is another story which needed to be told, experienced and remembered.

August 31, 2018Report this review