Blood Rose Rebellion
2017 • 418 pages


Average rating2.5


2-2.5 stars.
I received a copy of this book through netgalley, nut all opinions are my own

First thought after finishing: meh

I enjoyed the beginning of this book and was sooooo excited. I felt like I kept waiting for the reason of my excitement to be met.... and realized 80% into the book if I put it down and never finished, I'd be okay with that... skipped pages here and there to get to the end.

Anna is a character I wish I could like, I just wish she'd make up her mind!! Also, making up her mind then backing out because of a reason she already must have known before, but just didn't think about??? I guess???

I like the way the rebellion was written though, I think that is fairly realistic and heart-breaking- I just didn't care enough. I really wanted to care about the characters and if I had listened to this as an audiobook, maybe I would have. For now though, ugh.

Weirdly enough there were a few times I had to flip back a page while thinking “what did I just read?” “How did we get here?”
I was bored with a story I did not think was going anywhere, not just slow pacing but almost backward at times as if they needed to make stuff up to hit a word count (as a student, I get that).

Probably won't read the sequel, I just don't see a point. But, if you like semi-historical fiction and fantasy you might enjoy this more than I did.

March 25, 2017Report this review