Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules

2018 • 255 pages


Average rating4.2


What do I ask for in a book? For it to be entertaining, but what does that mean? At the end, this is what matters to me:

• Have some kind of logic behind things.
Can have a few things happen that can he revealed later but not too many seemingly random things that can't be put together in some way.

• Have at least a few unique aspects to how things work.
Which can get more and more difficult in a popular genre.

• Don't make it too easy for the MC.

• Don't be too repetitive with anything.

• Don't be too predictable.

• Keep my interest throughout (don't have too many slow, boring parts).

• Make me want to listen to more without feeling jipped.
This can be tricky. Needs to still have a full story with a bit of depth, so if you're going to have clif hangers, just don't leave me feeling like it's nothing more than an unfinished book.

So, for this book...
It kept me entertained, had some unique aspects, and even though there was some cliche parts (which can cause those parts to be predictable), I can't say I felt bored in any part of the book.

The author did make a lot of dumb names, which can be funny and I really don't have any problem with dumb names (when their funny and/or simple and to the point), but he had the MC focus on them a bit too long which kind of touched the limit on being repetitive. Also the MC was a bit too quick to anger from small things at times.

Still, over all I liked it and it checked enough of boxes to keep me wanting more.
I think quite a few of the other comments were overly critical.

December 20, 2020Report this review