
This cover is OK. Pretty good representation of the story. Good compostion. Interesting title work.

Sigh...OK, so I have to be honest. I think I may be reaching the end of my attention span for this story. I thought (hoped) that this was going to be the final book and we would finally get some answers, but nope, it ends on another cliffhanger and there is going to be (at least) another book. That in combination with the fact that we have to wait two months between installments has me losing interest, unfortunately.

That said, we do get some additional info in the one. A little background history and a little movement on the WHO front. Although we are still in the dark about the why. This one wasn't as sexy or bloody as previous installments and felt a bit like filler. I still think the writing and pace were both very good. And I still find the plot intriguing enough to stick around for the next installment. Hopefully, things will come to a head and wrap up in that one. Time will tell I guess.

September 25, 2017Report this review