Average rating3
This was my first mystery book by [a:Rita Mae Brown 23511 Rita Mae Brown http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1209493600p2/23511.jpg]; I read [b:Rubyfruit Jungle 438981 Rubyfruit Jungle Rita Mae Brown http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Tl5p106qL.SL75.jpg 3017660] in college which is a rather different kind of novel indeed. I loved this mystery novel! I'm sure it has a lot to do with my own love of cats, but I adore the sassy, snooty Mrs. Murphy and her silly dog friend Tucker. The heroine of the book, Harry Haristeen, is a wonderfully strong and courageous female character without the toughness and (lonely) independence of female characters like Warshawski, Millhone, or Plum. Don't get me wrong, I love a tough female lead character, but it's refreshing to have a more friendly and warm main “detective”. I laughed out loud several times reading this book, mostly at the antics of Mrs. Murphy and Tucker, and the mystery plot was decent as well. The mystery wasn't especially challenging to figure out before the reveal, but it was well-done, and wrapped up nicely. I've got Mrs. Murphy #2 checked out from the library and will be reading it soon!