Chasing Lincoln's Killer

Chasing Lincoln's Killer

2009 • 194 pages


Average rating3.5


I found this on our “lending library” shelf at work thinking my 5th grade nephew might want to read it. I read it so we can talk about it later.
I am glad I read it first. Mostly because I found it interesting. Partly because I found It does get a little graphic when describing the head wound and other parts but not so much that I wouldn't let my 10 year old nephew read it.
This was an interesting read. I'm not a fan of “time hop” style writing but this is different. The author follows a timeline and just tells the story from different perspectives. (Not sure I'm explaining this right)
April 14th... story from Booth, switch to Lincoln, switch back to booth, and so on.
Anyway. I'm excited to see what my nephew thinks.

January 6, 2024Report this review