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Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Free Preview - The First 14 Chapters

86 pages


Average rating5


I read this book so quickly because it was that good! The main character, Karou, is very interesting to read about. Her world is full of things she doesn't really understand and you can feel that veil of information that is masked from her background. She has grown up with these protectors her whole life and doing small errands for their leader. I personally really loved her character and learning about her personality that makes her kickass with her blue hair.

My favorite part of the whole book is probably the moment she snapped the wishbone. The way Laini Taylor worded it was beautiful then you got to go into the past to see and meet a younger Akiva. Learn about his past and how he met the love of his life.

The whole book was very fulfilling and I am diving into Days of Blood and Starlight as soon as I am done with this review. I would definitely recommend this!

February 7, 2014Report this review