Daughter of the Sun


Average rating3


This one won me over – I spent a lot of time not enjoying it at all. I thought the characters were flat, predictable, unoriginal – and frequently acting like 11 year-olds rather than 17 year-olds. The plot was pretty obvious, the twists were telegraphed, the romance was cliché and dull. I frankly was only reading it because I had agreed to do this tour today.

But . . .

Somewhere around the 60% mark I noticed that I was into the story, and I had been for awhile.

All of the above remains true – but Kalo writes with an engaging style and gets you to like Trinity, her cousin, and just about everyone else (except the people you're supposed to not like). You like them, you want to see them make it, and are rooting for them.

I don't have much to say, really. It works: it's entertaining, it's engaging, it's a Kane Chronicles for older readers. Could it have been better? Yes. But most books could. Read the blurb, if it sounds like the kind of book you might like, check it out – you'll likely be satisfied.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the author in exchange for this post.

July 4, 2016Report this review