2016 • 326 pages

DNF @ 25%

I am really bummed about this, but this book just wasn't working for me AT ALL...

First Oleg and Roksana's relationship is already fully formed from page one. So we don't get much buildup. There is a couple short flashbacks, but nothing that made me feel them as a couple. Second, the constant POV changes between Oleg, Roksana, and Anastacia I found distracting. Third, Roksana was just TOO much for me. I am fine with cold blooded killers as heroes, but Roksana was like a dude robot with breasts. In fact, both her AND Oleg come across as robots. SO not my thing. Lastly, I found it boring...

Maybe these things improve over the next 75% of the book, but I have WAY too many book and WAY too little time to waste it on something that hasn't clicked for me by 25% into the story.