Average rating3.3
According to Wikipedia the author intended this to be, to an extent, a parody of space operas. Reviews here warned me that minor characters got a lot of screen time. (Although, I was still surprised that less than half the book was following the protagonist.) Forewarned is forearmed, so I enjoyed it for the sprawling beast that it is. In fact, it was mostly little things that broke me out of the narrative and annoyed me.
I read the Kindle version and the OCR errors were a little distracting. A “c” instead of an “e”, an “f” instead of “lt.” And I hope “irregardless” was an error. The British use of cannon as its own plural in an otherwise American English text made me pause and re-read a sentence more than once. Along with a few other minor niggles it meant there was something distracting on nearly every page.
One could say, and fairly, that I'm just nit picking, but I was already spending so much effort suspending disbelief, that those little wrinkles tripped me up and took another star off my rating.