Average rating4
Initial Thoughts (6/30/19): First off let me just say Jay Kristoff continues to be a master when It comes to infuriating endings. So this book starts off the way I think all books should with a great recap of who and what happened in the first book. It was a great refresher and It meant I didn't have to sit and remember anything as I started the book. I did not enjoy this installment as much as LIFEL1K3 and I think a big part of that was characterization issues. I feel many of the characters acted in ways that did not match what I expected of them. And I know that is the point but to some extent, I needed something to show they were still the same. I still cannot wait for the next one and loved all the new characters in this book that definitely expanded the world and the story.
Update (7/7/19): Now that it has been about a week since I finished the book I want to add a few more thoughts. I've thought about it more and I think this book is truly Lemon Fresh's story. In LIFEL1K3 the focus was Eve and learning who she was and her family history. We got a huge shocker at the end of the book and I thought DEV1AT3 would pick up with Eve's story and we would get more insight into Eve as a person making her own decisions. Instead, DEV1AT3 shifted focus to Lemon Fresh and her quest to figure out her own self. We also got to follow Cricket a lot more in this book. I think I expected this trilogy to be continuous with the characters but instead, it felt more like a series that follows a different character in each installment even though all the characters stories intertwine. I know it sounds like I really did not enjoy this book but I truly did, it just was not what I was expecting. LIFEL1K3 was a five-star read for me and I was expecting DEV1AT3 to continue the five-star series. This installment still had the same humor and action I have come to expect from Jay and as I said in my initial thoughts, Jay continues to be infuriating when it comes to ending books/series.