Cover 2

Doctor Who



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

For the third time in four releases, an “expanded universe” companion leaves the Doctor. In this case, it's the turn of Erimem, the deposed Egyptian pharaoh first introduced in The Eye of the Scorpion six years before.

The setting of the story is hardly a surprise, given the title, and all the old familiar elements of that setting are in place. In fact, there's quite a lot going on in here, with a number of different plots interweaving as we negotiate the complexities of Peladonian and Federation politics.

Everyone gets a fair bit to do, and Erimem's story doesn't particularly overshadow anyone else's. The link between her own background and events on Peladon is, perhaps, a bit strained, but it's perhaps forgiveable in her final outing.

Just as the setting feels old-school, so does the departure scene, when it finally comes. There's no great surprise there, just the sort of ending that the classic TV series served up for most of its companions. In a way, it reflects that this particular story is comfort food, and not trying to push the boundaries.

But it's rather good comfort food.

July 6, 2015Report this review