Don't Look for Me

Don't Look for Me



Average rating3.8


this one was pretty disappointing as it started out SO promising. Molly's chapters seemed so creepy and dark and I felt so anxious throughout them! I was so interested to see what was actually going on. unfortunately, I found that out a little too quickly. as the author starts to give “little” clues, I started guessing what was going and who was involved. it sucked to see I was right on almost everything. I also was so unbelievably bored with Nicole's chapters and found myself skimming through them a lot of the time. in the end, what is actually happening just isn't as scary or creepy as it seemed in the beginning (I think I've been reading too much horror lately so “standard” thrillers have been disappointing). I was pretty underwhelmed but also was still left with questions about those involved and their motives.. it didn't really make sense to me. this focused a lot on familial drama and relationships and how grief can effect these things and I just didn't really care about those aspects.
I think those that enjoyed Emma in the Night will still like this one but it just didn't work for me!

August 30, 2020Report this review