Cover 0

Dragon Mated



Average rating4


AGHHHHHHH THAT ENDING LEFT ME SO UNSATISFIED. Alright, it was written in a way that allowed Jaymin Eve to legitimate writing more about the Compasses BUT STILL. WHY JAYMIN EVE, WHYYYYYYYYY????
I'd have to say the first book was definitely the best out of the whole series. It was lighter AND HAD A BETTER ENDING. However, that doesn't mean this book was bad or anything. It's been nonstop action since the beginning but I felt like Eve was a little redundant with Jessa's thoughts. The feels also didn't hit me as hard as they probably should have. For example, when Jessa reunited with Mischa, I was more or less indifferent. And when Cardia (for a second there, I forgot her name and had to go back to the book to see what it was) died, I really didn't care. I'm stunned that it affected Max so much, considering he didn't really like her either. I guess his pain was mostly from the broken bond. HOWEVER, MY FEELS FOR WHEN MISCHA DIDN'T TELL MAX SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH HIS BABY SORTA BLEW ME UP. That was another part I didn't like; this whole time, Mischa was the "innocent, virginal, naive" character. And now, BAM, apparently she had sex with Max...AND THEN HE BASICALLY DITCHED HER. ASDFGHJL. Regardless, I will have to obtain the novellas Eve will write about the Compasses or else the world shall be at the mercy and risk of my fangirl-fanatics.

April 3, 2016Report this review