Dust to dust

Dust to dust


Average rating5


You may know Benjamin Busch as an actor on The Wire and other television programs and movies. I've never seen The Wire—no TV, no cable, no satellite—so I haven't seen his acting work. I know him because we're Facebook friends, although I'm not sure how that came about. And I've known of him for a long time, since I read his father's essay in Harper's about Ben's military service. You see, I was a fan of the fiction of Frederick Busch, Ben's father. The elder Busch, who died suddenly in 2006, was a terrific novelist and story writer. (I have a shockingly large collection of his books, more than one signed by him; I even had the pleasure of hearing him read once in DC at Chapters and I remember him talking about his dogs, which made me like him even more . . .)

Read my full review here: Review of Dust to Dust

August 15, 2014Report this review