Average rating3.7
After finishing Blindsight, I didn't think I'd go forward with reading the “sequel” until i discovered I had already bought the audiobook version. Why not go ahead and get this one done while I still remembered some of Blindsight.
This book is very similar in a number of ways. Very similar prose (not a strength, in my opinion, but it may be intentionally written to be confusing to us “normies.”) Actually occurs in a concurrent timeframe to Blindsight. Similar themes. And also carries a cast of characters with serious mental issues that the author attempts to portray as strengths.
While I don't find myself agreeing with many of the ideology that is clearly forwarded by the author, it still made for an interesting read. For some reason, I actually enjoyed this one more than the first. It may be that the main character being essentially a “normie” makes him more identifiable as a protagonist. Thrown into a situation more or less against his will. Those are things we can understand and enjoy. I will say that the “universe” that Watts creates is very interesting and well done - worth exploring. The situations are a bit bizarre, but most of the characters' actions make sense in light of their circumstances. This is one area that Blindsight suffered (again, that may have been intentional from the author).
Overall, I'd give this one 3.5 stars. It does make me wonder if there were a 3rd novel in the universe, would I pick it up? Maybe.