Cover 8


2014 • 250 pages


Average rating3.5


Part travelogue, part history, part sermon. A little disjointed, and not really what I was expecting... but I'm not sure what I was expecting. Maybe more along the lines of “this is what you can do” — but it looks like we (USA) just aren't even there yet.

The biggest lesson I received from the book is that insects can be tasty. That is, it's not just necessity that drives us to entomophagy, it seems to be an all-around win-win. Sadly, the only insect foods available in most of the US seem to be processed bars with a small degree of cricket.

So here's a challenge: read this book, and if you like it, recommend it to a handful of friends. Let's get a movement going. It's going to be part of life in 30 years, why not get a head start?

July 4, 2015Report this review