Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most

Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most

2021 • 272 pages


Average rating4


So many good nuggets in this book. I don't remember loving Essentialism - I thought it was a great book, but it didn't cover a lot of new ground for me. But I'm also a natural minimalist and I read a lot of this kind of thing, so purely a personal opinion, and still a book worth reading.

Effortless, I'd like to own. He begins by discussing this myth that everything good must be hard/take effort, and references the fact that it might be due in part to Puritanism. Yes, but also overwork and the productivity cult are a product of Capitalism that could be an entire book in and of itself (and probably is). Stopping to think about that fact alone is worth the price of admission, but there are many practical tips that are incredibly valuable. The one that most stood out to me was to set an upper limit on tasks/habits. I have a set schedule for business development projects: minimum 30 minutes. I tend to go way over. The simple idea of setting a limit (no more than 1 hour per session) is kind of brilliant, and it's the kind of gem you'll find in Effortless.

You will not find any deep dive into habit development here, which I appreciate. For that we have Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit, and James Clear's inestimable Atomic Habits.

July 19, 2021Report this review