Paul hardly ever – if ever – held back. He could be quite brutal with the truth. Yet, sometimes that's exactly what we need. What really struck me through Galatians this time around was how Paul confronted the Galatian people's stubborn belief that the law would save them, while also reminding them that it was Jesus who became the law in order to save us. Paul's words were harsh yet gentle at the same time. He also shared many encouragements with them as well, including this beauty found in Galatians 4:18 –
“But it is good to be zealous in a good thing always.”
Boy, I wish more people would be “zealous in a good thing.” Too much of the world are zealous for evil things. Only by the grace of God will that get turned around. As for me, I am trying to focus on God and any good thing He plants in my life.
I was not compensated for my honest review.