Familiars in Witchcraft: Supernatural Guardians in the Magical Traditions of the World

Familiars in Witchcraft

Supernatural Guardians in the Magical Traditions of the World


Average rating4


Going into this I was expecting to hear about black cats and European centered magic, and while the first few chapters are covering just that, the author actually branches out and talks about various other cultures and myths.

In this book, a familiar is pretty much any “imaginary” entity which talks to and guides a human being. This loose definition allows the author to draw and showcase many different connections and similarities between the ancient myths, worldwide.

Some people will have a problem with this, but I think it is very interesting and raises some good points. I also really like that the author explained the origin of some well known words / names. This new knowledge changed the way I view those words and myths created around them.

In conclusion, I enjoyed this book and will probably purchase a physical copy so that I can re-read some parts at my own pace. The author also cites numerous other sources which I'd like to check out.

July 17, 2020Report this review