Find Me in Havana

Find Me in Havana

2021 • 320 pages


Average rating3


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This book has me conflicted. In some ways I loved it, and in some ways, it didn't quite work for me. I'll try my best to explain my mixed-up feelings here!

Alright so first of all, Estelita's story was fascinating and I couldn't believe the book was based on a true story! So dramatic. I would say, if you plan to read this book, don't look up Estelita Rodriguez. Let yourself be surprised by the story arc instead.

I liked both Estelita and her daughter, Nina, but they were both definitely flawed. Estelita is kind of a horrible mom, and Nina makes some pretty interesting choices throughout the book. I do think Burdick is an excellent relationship writer — I was sucked into this book pretty quickly because the characters and their relationships pulled me in. Nina loves her mom, but Estelita's flaws are hard to deal with. Estelita loves her daughter, but isn't quite sure how to balance their relationship with her career.

What didn't work for me with this book was the letter style. The book goes back and forth between mother and daughter, and the text is written like a letter. So, when it's Nina's chapter, she'll talk about her mom by using “you.” This was weird for me. The chapters are definitely not like letters anyone would write. There are so many details....great details for a novel, not for a believable letter. Plus, in the end, they're speaking in letters when that actually becomes impossible. It's just kind of odd.

April 3, 2021Report this review