2021 • 134 pages


Average rating5


Reviewed together because [b:Played 57971698 Played (Auctioned, #4) Cara Dee 90835903] and [b:Finished 58730246 Finished (Auctioned, #5) Cara Dee 90835928] are basically just one longish book. The first part is told from Darius' POV. The preparations and richly deserved revenge that Darius has promised Grey is exacted on the POS scum traffickers with the help of friends & family. The events from [b:The Job 57877156 The Job Cara Dee 90837919] come into play but aren't rehashed. The second is told from Grey's POV and deals with the fallout & cleanup from operation revenge. All of Grey's mother hen come out to play in a useful way. Overall I think this was a satisfying end to D&G story but I understand there's one more book covering the wedding? I'll probably get to it but I'll be in no rush. This ended on just the right note.

November 22, 2023Report this review