Forever Yours, Sir
2014 • 208 pages

3.5 Stars

Slightly better cover then book fives. but still WAY too busy IMO.

So I enjoyed MAKE ME, SIR when I read it yesterday and decided to give another book in this series a try. Since Hunter intrigued me, I choose his book. And I liked it...mostly. These are sweet books. They have hot sex scenes. Little or no angst and no OW/OM drama.

But OMG the heroine in this one was such a friggin IDJIT. She is homeless and living on the streets. She has people offering her a choice of three different jobs. People willing to help her out. What does she do?? She turns them down because she doesn't accept charity. YOU LIVE ON THE FRIGGING STREETS DUMBASS! She is fine staying in shelters..isn't THAT charity? Who in their right mind wants to stay living on the streets instead of taking a job offer? A VERY nice job offer I may add! She then only takes the job because someone is stalker her and she has to get out of the city...oy vay.

Lord save me from idiotic heroines...sigh.

June 22, 2017Report this review