When fairy-godmother-in-training Willow's wish to attend a human school comes true, she finds getting along with humans to be harder than she expected, but her newly-acquired magical talent makes it easy to collaborate with animals.
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These are the things Willow knows:
* Her older sister is a perfectly prissy pain in her hindquarters.
A dog would be a perfect companion for her.Ten (or the big ONE-OH) is the most important birthday ever.
* Having a best best friend would be the greatest birthday present in the world!
Those are the thoughts jumbled around in Willow Doyle's head as we follow her through the story. If you're thinking that this sounds like an adorable story, you would be correct!
Young readers will find a lot to love in Fourth Grade Fairy. Although Willow faces the additional challenge of growing into some pretty big fairy god-mothering shoes, she still has the same issues as all girls this age. She explores the issue of friendship, namely how to find a real friend. She is also trying to figure out how she fits into her family. See Willow's older sister Lucinda is perfect and of course her parents adore her. Where does that leave a girl who seems to always be a step behind? Willow's inner monologue is simply fantastic. I could definitely believe that she was a nine (almost ten) year old just trying to find her way in life. Add in her silly sense of humor and you have one fantastic read!
The supporting characters in Willow's life are perfectly written as well, and fit in just where they need to. From her supportive grandmother, to the friends of the popular girl in school, they are all there in vivid color. Each character is so realistic that it's like stepping back into elementary school. So many memories came flooding back for me. Even the cast of animal characters is adorably believable. I'm not saying that I think animals can talk (or am I?) but I am saying that they are part of Willow's support group. An adorable part at that! Truth be told, they kind of steal the show.
I think young readers will have a simply delightful time reading this book, and older readers will see the deeper meaning in Willow's story. Colorful writing and a sweet story blend together to create one very enjoyable read for young and old readers alike! A great reminder of the lessons we all learn as children, Eileen Cook has written a gem in Fourth Grade Fairy! I cannot wait for the next installment and see what other kinds of trouble Willow can get herself into!