Average rating3.9
If read in small doses, this is a five-star book; if read in a single sitting, three. I split the difference. It helps—but it's not necessary—to have read the first book first. When I read the book in small doses—say, a chapter or two at a time—I felt like I was feeling all the things I was supposed to be feeling: I was right there with the author, enjoying the humour and feeling heart-hurty with empathy. When I read big chunks at a time, some of the humour started to feel forced, and not in a way that I associate with being furiously happy. It's the kind of book that I like to devour, so I had to force myself to take breaks so that I could better appreciate it. And I really do appreciate it. This is Lawson's life, a really intimate look inside her head, and I both applaud her bravery and am grateful for her generosity in sharing it with us.