Furiously Happy

Furiously Happy

8h 28m


Average rating3.9


It's more like a 3.75 than a 3. I think it was wise to do this in audio, Jenny's voice adds so much to the content, although sometimes it was a bit much to handle. I feel she lightly touched on the mental illness issues, but for someone that suffers from a variety of things I have to say she puts a great spin on life and was able to bring some cheer with the funny and at times ridiculous episodes of her life. It may not address the problems as much as some people would like, but it does give you a bit comfort to know there are other people that suffer with the same things and it may help you take a bad day and turn it into a good one. Funny, entertaining and a joy to listen to. Jenny should do standup comedy, I would pay to see her show! :)

November 24, 2020Report this review