Girl Made of Stars

Girl Made of Stars

2018 • 304 pages


Average rating4.3


I loved this book so much!! 2 weeks later and I'm still thinking about it.

I'm sure everyone has read the synopsis of this one by now so in short we follow a girl whose friend accuses her twin brother of rape and what happens after that and how she and her family deal with it.

The characters were excellently written, in fact I would have happily read more about them. The book not only looks at friendships, but relationships and families too. It's got the lot and you really connect to them all! I loved the focus on parents in this book, a lot of YA books have the parents kinda hazy in the background or as the bad guys, this one brings them to the forefront and has them involved throughout.

The representation was wonderful and so naturally done, it didn't feel like there was a token gay character or a POC on the side for diversity. Nothing felt forced here!!

For being 280 pages this book packs quite the punch! Herring Blake has a gift for writing this book in so few pages and I will be reading more from this wonderful author.

July 22, 2018Report this review