Good Girl Complex
2022 • 369 pages


Average rating3.4


“And then you showed up and I started getting ideas. Maybe I didn't have to settle for slightly better than nothing. Maybe I could even be happy”

I highlighted this specific quote purely because it was one that immediately stuck out for me.

For most of my life I had convinced myself that I was the common denominator in all the bad things that would occur. I didn't believe that I would get a happy ending or anything close to it, I had accepted that I would just have to learn to be happy with whatever life threw at me. It's so refreshing to see characters that have been handed the most crappiest cards - characters that are relatable in ways that aren't ‘oh they're so quirky' or ‘they love books and i do too' but in a profound way that means something to me.

August 27, 2022Report this review